We are Working in the Basement

Specifically, in the service area where the furnace and hot water heater reside.  We recently had a little mishap.

This wire shelving unit gave way and everything plummeted to the floor.  Including my many, many back issues of Martha Stewart Living.  That did not make me very happy.

You can see here where the support on the right could not handle the load on the shelf and it failed. That lead to the eventual collapse of the entire shelf and its content.

So, out with the comprised supports.  And out with the wire shelving altogether.  I have a new and better idea for storage in the area which we will be talking about in the coming days and weeks.

I also found this storage container, which clearly has been sitting here for some time.

It contains a quilt and matching pillow set that my aunt made for me many years ago.  While I liked this container with the interlocking flaps when I first saw it, I now realize it is not the best option for storage.  The problem being there is no real "seal" like you would have on a storage container with a snap on lid.  This type of container allows dust and dirt, and bugs, to enter the container which is what I was trying to avoid.  These containers will no longer work for me.  So they will be set out for big trash pickup.  The quilt and pillows will need to be cleaned professionally and then packed away in a bin more suitable for storage of such items.

And so we were left with this rather depressing little area.  All of these tiles will be removed.  I started removing these tiles when the new washer and dryer were delivered a few months ago.  It is an arduous task to say the least.  The tiles will be removed and then the concrete floor will be painted. I'm rather looking forward to what it will look like once it is done. Updates to follow.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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