The Lighted Chef and Other Lighting Ideas

Every year when we set the clocks back one hour in November, we get out the timers and set them up on several lamps so that there is light in the house when we arrive home in the evening.  I stage some lighting by placing lamps in certain areas where we do not usually have them.  Such as this lamp I placed on the counter in the kitchen.

This is a beautiful Stiffel lamp which has been with us for many, many years.  And will be for many, many more.  This lamp will certainly never end up in a yard sale.  I love the way it looks on the counter.  But even more, I really like how it illuminates the metal chef art we placed on this cabinet. We lose sight of this fun sculpture as we go through our daily lives.  So it was fun to "shine some light on it", as it were.  For a small gathering in the kitchen, I would have this lamp on and the recessed ceiling lights turned to low for ambiance.

Then there is this fun and interesting lamp on the second level of Dewey Street.  This gives off such a soothing and inviting warmth.  It looks wonderful atop this glass top table and it adds nice light as you reach the top of the stairs.

When we move from daylight saving time to standard time, be sure to adjust the lighting inside your home.  It could help prevent a fall or a bruised shin or help to ward off potential burglars.  The same for when you are traveling.  Adjust the lighting inside your home.  There are some really wonderful timers on the market these days that will turn your lights on and off at different times of the day to give your house a "lived-in" appearance while you are away.  They start as low as $3.97 at Lowe's.

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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