A Chocolate Treat for a Good Cause

The care and treatment of animals has always been a cause for me.  I support several animal rescue shelters and have for many years.  When I was in my teens, I had a job after school and I sent part of my salary, small as it was, to various animal rescue shelters.  So this has been something near and dear to my heart for a long time.

While I have given toward caring for animals, I have done little to nothing in the realm of helping to alleviate the extinction of species.  Recently, and quite by accident, I found a way to contribute to this most important cause in a small way and enjoy a chocolate treat at the same time.  Read on.

I was walking through my local CVS and I found myself in the candy aisle.  (Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?)  Actually, I was picking up bags of lifesavers which I keep on my desk for any and all to enjoy when I saw these chocolate bars from Endangered Species.  Intrigued, I read the package to see what this was all about and then I did some research on this company to see if they were, in fact, contributing 10% of net profit to endangered species causes.  What I found was a company dedicated to this mission and above board in all aspects.  Visit their site and read their latest press release here http://www.chocolatebar.com/media/111915_partners.html.  I could not find anything derogatory about the company in my research.  No bad reviews.  No allegations of misconduct.

Now to the actual chocolate bar.  Plainly stated, it is the most delicious chocolate I have ever tasted. And believe me when I tell you, I've tasted some chocolate over the years.  This dark chocolate with cranberries and almonds is particularly good.  I know all my readers love a little chocolate from time to time.  I would strongly encourage you to consider these Endangered Species bars the next time you have a hankering for something sweet.  You will enjoy a splendid treat and you will feel good about making a contribution to a very worthwhile cause. 

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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