Summer Cucumber Salad
Who doesn't like fresh vegetables from the garden.  I think we all do.  One of my favorite summer vegetables is cucumber.  Fresh, clean...
Stains are inevitable.  Especially in the kitchen.  I know when I am in the kitchen preparing dishes for the blog or for guests, it is rath...
Keep a Bottle of Stain Lifter in the Kitchen Cabinet
These blooms are so beautiful, I had to share another with you today. This one just about the open.  Nature is so splendid.
I moved these nandina from one of the gardens and planted them around the lamppost in the front yard several years ago.  They appear quite ...
What a great thing to wake up to this morning.  The Rose of Sharon hedge between my house and the neighbors is beginning to bloom. I t...
If you were wondering from my post earlier this morning what a lettuce knife is, here is a picture. These are large bladed, usually s...
Lettuce Knife
I had a head of lettuce in the refrigerator that needed to be used.  A few of the leaves had been removed for sandwiches, but we needed to ...
I'm certain that many of you have a set of kitchen scales very much like the ones pictured here. I have two sets of these for when...
Let's Clean the Kitchen Scales
Fruit and a Muffin
Sometimes that is all one needs or wants for breakfast.  Such was the case on a recent morning during a visit with my BFF Bev. This is...
Specifically, in the service area where the furnace and hot water heater reside.  We recently had a little mishap. This wire shelving ...
We are Working in the Basement
Caramel Apple Tart
Well, ... is tart stretching the definition of the word for this delicious dessert?  Maybe.  But it is scrumptious no matter what we call i...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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