An Unhappy Pepper Plant and a Pumpkin

A couple weeks ago I told you about a visit we made to a small nursery near the apartment.  In that post I shared with you that I had bought a pepper plant and repotted it and was hopeful that, with the right amount of care, I would be able to keep it thriving in an indoor environment.  That has not happened.

Is this the saddest looking thing you have ever seen?  I have watered it regularly.  I have sprayed it to help keep it in a moist environment.  I put it on the window ledge to get full sun during the day - not direct sun - but full sun.  Of course we talked about how they like full southern exposure and all I can give it is northern exposure.

I hate to give up on it but I don't know what to do.  It is just unhappy in its current situation and if I do not see any sort of revival by the end of the weekend, then I'm afraid I am going to bid farewell to this unhappiest of plants.

On a happier note, I found this really cute white pumpkin/gourd at Home Depot over the weekend.  Just here on the corner of the entry table I think is the perfect look.  Very simple.  Not fussy.  Just, ... a pumpkin.  I love it.

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