Preparing for Christmas Entertaining

I have started preparing the apartment for Christmas.  I will likely keep my guest list to a minimum this year.  I may have one or two small soirees, much unlike past holidays at Crest Avenue.  I started in the vanity area in the bath this year.

These are the white hand towels on the vanity in the bathroom that are there year round.  I like presenting the hand towels in this fashion rather than on a standard towel rod or ring.  I have used both in the past and there is certainly nothing wrong with that method, but this works better for me now.

I found these really cute white hand towels with a Christmas tree motif at Home Goods.  I thought these were super cute.

They are from the Turkish Towel Company and a series in their Winter Dreams collection.  Very beautiful, thick, lush cotton towels.

I tried just one towel, but that did not work.

So I went with the two towel scheme that I use during the year.  This little basket fits on the vanity top just perfectly.  As guests enter and leave the bath, you can make a quick dash in to see if the towel needs to be re-folded or if it needs to be placed in the hamper a fresh towel put out.  I keep an extra set in the wicker basket under the vanity sink.  Keeping an eye on little things like this is your responsibility as host or hostess of your gathering.  We do not want word getting around that we offered our guests unclean hand towels at the Christmas gathering.

I will continue adding to the Christmas decor over the coming weeks and I will share all of those additions with you.

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