It was just a few short weeks ago that I posted these pictures of our Fluffy Ruffle fern back on June 2, 2020.

There are two separate ferns in this pot and they were struggling a bit. I was hopeful that they would take and eventually we would have a beautiful little fern to add some charm to the end of my desk. Indeed, that is what happened.
Here we are today. It has taken off like crazy. I would say that it is very happy on this corner of my desk in a north facing window. I water it lightly about every three days with room temperature, filtered water. I also inserted a couple of Jobe's fertilizer sticks into the soil. In this picture you cannot see the pot it is in because it has grown so large. And look how full it is now as opposed to the earlier pictures.
This is the side of the pot that had the section that was cascading over the side in the earlier photos. There is an incredible amount of new growth. Another thing that I do at least every other day is take it into the bathroom and, using a handheld spray bottle over the tub, I mist the entire fern, lightly. I do not mist until it is dripping with water. Just a light misting is all it needs. Again, using room temperature, filtered water.
So I have proven that these ferns truly can be grown and cared for in the interior spaces of your home. I particularly like the color of this fern and the fronds are different from any other fern I have ever seen. These did not come from a nursery. They were an "impulse buy" from the Garden Center at Walmart. Fluffy Ruffle ferns for the home. Give them a try.
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