Who Wants Watermelon?

I do.  I grew up eating watermelon in the summer.  My father planted a garden every year and in the garden you could always plan on a row of watermelons.  So we were lucky that we had plenty of this most delicious and healthy fruit to consume during the summer vacation.

A slice of watermelon for breakfast is always a treat for me.   Here are four good reasons to enjoy this summertime fruit:

1.  Watermelon has more Lycopene than raw tomatoes.  Lycopene is a powerful carotenoid antioxidant that gives fruits and vegetables their pink or red color.

2.  Watermelon juice may relieve muscle soreness.  If you have a juicer, try juicing about one-third of a fresh watermelon and drinking the juice prior to your next workout.

3.  Watermelon is a fruit and a vegetable.  The rind is entirely edible.

4.  It's mostly water.  This might not be surprising, but it's still a fun fact.  Watermelon is more than 91% water.  This means that eating watermelon on a hot summer day is a tasty way to help you stay hydrated and avoid dehydration.

I have to come clean and tell you that I prefer a little salt sprinkled over a slice of watermelon.  It helps bring out the flavor.

And finally, the end of my breakfast.  A great way to start any day.  I am currently restricting my caloric intake on a daily basis, so I did not have anything other then a slice of watermelon this morning.  But you could add a serving of low-fat cottage cheese and a piece of plain toast and still enjoy and very healthy start to your day.

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