Stainless Steel Straws

 We talked about stainless steel straws last week in our post entitled, "New Bottle Brush Set".


In that post I showed you a new set of bottle brushes that I recently purchased.  In this trio of brushes there was a specific brush for cleaning straws.  It is the brush in the middle of this picture.

I thought after that post, I cannot very well preach about the virtues of stainless steel straws and not use them myself.  So, I bought a pack.  They come in two varieties; as you see above in the pack I bought, the straws are straight from top to bottom.  In the other version, the straw is bent, I would say on about a 20° angle about 2" from the top.  The bent ones looked strange, like they would be difficult to use.  I felt like I would be going for the end of the straw and not find it and have to search some more.  It just seemed silly to me.  Also, why complicate the cleaning process.  Straight straw, brush goes straight through and cleans it with no problem.  No curves to go around.  I will use the cleaning brushes that came with this set of straws, but nothing lasts forever.  When they are done, I'll have a fresh, new brush waiting.

These straws work really well in a tall glass filled with a Bloody Mary, as you can see here!!!  Actually, the more I use these, the more I like them.  I'm not a "treehugger" by any stretch of the word, but if I can help keep at least a little plastic out of the landfills and out of the ocean, then that is a good thing.  I'm not bashing plastic.  Plastics are a necessary part of everyday life throughout the world.  We just need to find a better way of dealing with the disposal of used plastic rather than hauling it out into the middle of the ocean and dumping it.  Who came up with that idea?!!?!!!

I think you will really like using these stainless steel straws if you have not already tried them.  If you have tried them, then I'm sure you will agree.  The pack I bought contained 4 straws and 2 cleaning brushes and was in the $10.00 range.  Not bad since these straws should last a lifetime.  Happy drinking!!

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