We Are Preparing to Paint
Today is the last day of January, which is usually a welcome time in the mid-Atlantic.  We still have about two months before the first day...
I decided to make guacamole from our avocados rather than using them in a salad.  We'll make the salad next week.  I put this together ...
Quick and Easy Guacamole
A New Dishwasher Cleaner
We tried a new dishwasher cleaner at Crest Avenue.  Here are the results. This was an impulse buy in that I did not have it on my erra...
I picked up some avocados over the weekend.  "Where to store them" was the question.  "Alongside the onions" was the an...
Adding to Our Onion Storage Post
Onion Storage
Onions.  A staple at Crest Avenue.  I cannot imagine not having onions in the house.  I use them in almost every dish, as I'm sure many...
I am happy to report that our first change for 2018 is done.  And that change is the new format here on the blog.  I really like this. ...
First Change in 2018, ... Done!
A New Year and A New Look, ... I Hope!!
A Happy New Year to everyone!  We are so excited to be entering 2018.  This year will bring a great many changes to AHWJN.  Changes whic...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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