A Fun Birthday Gift for a Dear Friend

I was recently invited to a birthday dinner for a dear and close friend whom I have known for over twenty years.  It was sort of a last minute thing.  Her sister sent me a text message asking me to call her, which I did.  She said she was planning a dinner to be held on a Sunday evening at a local restaurant and wanted me to attend.  I told her I would be delighted.  I didn't want to show up empty handed, so I ran out to pick up a quick gift.  I did not know exactly what I was looking for but that was quickly remedied when I found these candles.

These did not come in a pack of four.  They were just all on a shelf together with many other candles.  I chose these four because 1.) I thought that would be a good number to give, 2.) I liked all of these scents, ... and 3.) they all fit perfectly in the gift bag I chose!!

I thought this gift bag was rather cute and colorful and like I said, it was the perfect size to hold the four candles I chose.

White tissue for this gift bag.  You can never go wrong with white tissue.  White or black will always work in any situation.  I was in a particular hurry and I just did not have time to coordinate the color of the tissue with one or more of the colors in the bag.

In with the candles.

And a little "zhuzhing" with the tissue to give it a festive look and I was off to the ball.

My friend told me later that she loved the candles and that she burns a candle nearly every night when she gets home from work.  I did not know that.  Maybe I knew it subconsciously.  Who knows.  In any event, I'm glad I chose these as her gift and I'm glad that she liked them.  I'm sure any one of your friends would be equally as happy with a similar gift of candles.

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