Mini Tabasco and a Veggie Tray
On our shopping outing last weekend, we made a stop at World Market in Pentagon City.  We love World Market.  I wanted to share one of the ...
Yesterday, I told you about our lunch in Old Town on Sunday.  Afterward, we went shopping at Crate & Barrel Outlet Store in Alexandria,...
Goodies from Crate & Barrel Outlet
A Birthday Lunch for Steven and then some Shopping
We had plans to go to dinner to celebrate Steven's birthday over the weekend, but that changed.  You must always be prepared for change...
We have been gone for a couple days.  We took some time away to celebrate Steven's birthday.  Our friend Bev was here to celebrate the ...
Steven's Birthday Celebration
We are trying Rachel Ray's New Food for Baxter
Today we are changing gears.  We are talking dog food.  I have recently seen Rachel Ray advertising her new line of nutritious food for dog...
Today we are back in the garden in the front yard where the large ornamental grass lived for several years.  As I told you yesterday, we du...
Rearranging the Landscape - The Former Ornamental Grass Garden
Rearranging the Landscape - The Ornamental Grass
We have been very busy this spring at Crest Avenue removing and replanting several of the ornamental evergreens and a large ornamental gras...
In this age of technology, many of us are entangled in a mass of cables and power cords which serve to keep us connected and entertained.  ...
Light-Duty Extension Cords vs. Surge Protectors (Power Strips) for Electronics
Weeds, Be Gone!
I have a question for you today.  Why?  Why is it that weeds grow profusely, no matter what. If it rains, they grow.  If it's dry, they...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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