One Bunny, Two Bunny

I found a spot for the little stone bunnies.  I tucked them among the ferns on the deck.

The way I placed them, you do not readily see them.  So it is a nice surprise when they catch your eye.

This one is even further out of the way.  I don't know if they will stay in this location, but for now, this works for me.  In design, everything is fluid.  What works today may not work tomorrow.  I do not limit myself to any design aesthetic.

It is Mother's Day weekend.  We are off to Midlothian, VA tomorrow to visit my mother and sister and her family.  We are taking lunch and we are looking forward to a wonderful day.  Hopefully I will have some new recipes for you next week.  I have already made cocktail sauce for steamed shrimp.  I also made a Pina Colada tropical cocktail sauce which I am anxious to try.  I'll be taking Chocolate Mousse Cake.  I'll share that recipe with you.  Be sure and come back to visit us next week.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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