Keep This on Hand if you are a Pet Owner
As all of you know by now, Baxter is the center of my universe.  I want his life to be as easy and carefree as possible.  It is my job to l...
A few weeks ago we talked about placing these egg-shaped produce freshness extenders in the produce drawers in the refrigerator. I lik...
GreenSaver Pods for the Refrigerator
Next Week on AHWJN, ...
Next week I am going to give you the very best recipe for making delicious hamburgers/cheeseburgers for your friends and family.  You will ...
I needed a place to keep a couple everyday recipes and a reminder schedule for fertilizing the house plants.  So I used an inexpensive blac...
Reminders in a Frame
A New, ... and Better Shower Head
When I moved into the apartment, there was, in the shower enclosure, one of these handheld, water saving shower heads. This simply wou...
It was time for a little kitchen sink management. I got extremely tired of this. So I bought this. This is a much better sol...
Kitchen Sink Management
Ya' Gotta Getta Kapoosh!
The knife set I had at Crest Avenue worked for me through many, many years.  They were not the most expensive knives ever made, but they we...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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