Ya' Gotta Getta Kapoosh!

The knife set I had at Crest Avenue worked for me through many, many years.  They were not the most expensive knives ever made, but they were of good enough quality that I got many years of use from them.  When I moved to the apartment I decided not to bring the knife set with me and they were summarily donated to charity.  Surprisingly enough, I picked up a set of three new knives in, of all places, IKEA.  These were to replace my former set.  The handles are made of a hard plastic and are ergonomically designed to fit the hand.  The blades are sharp and appear to be of at least good quality.  I expect they will last for some time with daily care.  Wash and dry immediately after use with a good quality absorbent towel.  I did not want my new knives clanging around is a drawer or basket with other kitchen utensils.  I wanted them in a knife block and I found one that I really loved after some exhaustive searching.

It is called "kapoosh" and I found it at The Container Store.  The fact that I have moved very close to a Container Store may or may not be a good thing.  I have not decided yet.  I have to watch myself very carefully because I would literally buy everything in the store.

This knife block is unique in that there are no slots in which to house your knives. There are two inserts, top and bottom, of thin, protruding, black plastic cylinders that hold the knives in place.

You see here that I have removed the bottom stabilizer insert so you can get a little clearer view of what I am talking about.  These inserts remind me of plastic broom straws.  They are very tightly woven and they are connected at the bottom which holds the stack tightly together.

The block comes with two plastic "TRY ME" knives so you can get an idea of how the system works.  I first tried it out in the store on the shelf by moving these two plastic knives around inside the insert.

Here is a look at one of the test knives that come with the block.

My new IKEA knives in the new kapoosh.  You see here what I mean about the handles being contoured to your hands.  I like these knives very much.  I like the grey color of the handles.  They work extremely well in the kitchen.  In the upper part of the block I have a long, serrated bread knife on the left and a standard butcher knife on the right.  In the bottom section I have a small pairing knife.  Once you have these three knives in your kitchen you can do pretty much anything you want to prepare dishes for company.

One last look at the knives in the block.  The block itself is very deep so it holds the serrated bread knife snugly in place.  Actually, it holds all three knives snugly in place.  This block has a nice, clean look to it and it would fit on any kitchen counter with ease.  The counter space in the apartment is very limited yet I was able to find just the right spot for it.  Will I add more knives?  That is hard to say.  I have a beautiful set of bee steak knives that I would like to have at hands reach.  I may put them in the bottom section and move the pairing knife to the upper section.  I had a much larger knife block with dedicated slots at Crest Avenue and I found there was a considerable amount of redundancy in the type of knives stored there.  In some cases I had two or three of the same knife which seems silly now.  If you are looking for a new knife block, I think you will be very happy with the kapoosh.

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