Keep This on Hand if you are a Pet Owner

As all of you know by now, Baxter is the center of my universe.  I want his life to be as easy and carefree as possible.  It is my job to look after him, and I think I do a good job.

Here he is in the car just last weekend on our way to Richmond to see my mother for Mother's Day.  He has been photographed so much during his life that he now knows how to pose for the camera.

It is important for all of us as pet owners to keep a medicine chest, of sorts, for our most loyal companions.  I recently picked up a new item that I found quite by accident but immediately recognized as something we should have.

A bottle of styptic powder.  You might be more familiar with this as something you remember your father using when he shaved.  My father had one in a stick form that he would rub on the knick on his face and it would stop the bleeding right away.  Same sort of thing here except as a powder.

This kit includes the bottle of antiseptic styptic powder and two cotton sticks.  If there is a small accident and there is some bleeding, you simply moisten the cotton on the end of the stick and then collect some of the styptic powder and apply directly to the cut.  The powder should stop the bleeding right away.  If not, then you have a larger problem and will need to contact your veterinarian.  But this is good to have in the house for small knicks or cuts.

Once I removed the bottle and cotton sticks from the backing it did not look very nice.

So I typed the information from the backing that was used to display this item at the store and printed it on white card stock.  Then I cut it out and put everything in a plastic bag.

Here we have our styptic powder, cotton sticks, nail clippers and the instructions from the original backing.  I like to keep this with the nail clippers just in case there is an accident.  Cassandra does his nails using one of those wonder nail grinders that is so gentle and easy to use.  However, he has one nail that is very tender and has been that way since he was born.  He does not always allow that one to be touched so we have to do it separately at home.  No accidents so far, and I intend on keeping it that way.  But better to be prepared with some styptic powder just in case.

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