I Have Found the Perfect Supermarket Tomato

We all know what supermarket tomatoes taste like.  Nothing.  They have no flavor.  I read somewhere recently that the tomatoes offered to us on supermarket shelves have been genetically modified for mass production to make them bigger and to have a longer shelf life.  By modifying tomatoes, they have interfered with the genetic process inherent in tomatoes that gives them their familiar flavor.  I shop at a variety of supermarkets, like all of you, and this problem exists in all markets - super discount, mid-level, and high end markets - they all offer tomatoes of inferior taste quality these days.  On a recent trip to market, I found a new tomato that I had not seen before which intrigued me.  This was the Kumato.  A brown tomato.  La Tomate Brune.  I knew I had to try them.

The color was not necessarily the most important thing to me.  They could have been any color as long as they tasted like a tomato should taste.

You see here that they have a rather "brownish" hue to them.  I would describe their size as small to medium sized tomatoes.  Not at all the size of a beefsteak tomato, which are popular in the United States.  These tomatoes are half the size, or in some instances a third of the size of a beefsteak tomato.  However, they are big on flavor.

You will see in the first frame above that the box says "Natural Product" and "Grown Traditionally".  That being the case, they are full of natural tomato flavor.  I'll take a small tomato with some taste over a giant sized tomato with no flavor any day.

On a recent evening, I made scrambled eggs for supper, which is not unusual in my house.  Eggs are so good for you and I adore them most any way they can be prepared.  On this evening they were scrambled and then topped with some shredded cheddar cheese.

The finishing touch was the addition of three slices of kumato and a sprinkling of some shaved parmesan cheese.  I added salt to the egg mixture before I cooked them, so I did not add any additional salt on the plate.  The rich, robust flavor of these magnificent tomatoes with the saltiness from the parmesan cheese and cheddar cheeses over the eggs was magnificent.  I would be proud to serve this any time of the day.  A real treat.

There is actually a Wikipedia page describing kumatoes.  Click here to be taken there.

I suggest you try these tomatoes at your earliest convenience.  I found them at Safeway, but I've also heard they are available to Trader Joe's.  I believe they were around $4.00 for 5 tomatoes.

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