Today We are Preparing Kiwifruit

Kiwi is a favorite at AHWJN.  I have some in a bowl in the kitchen at all times.  I especially like the golden kiwi.  They are a little more mellow than the green.

Gold on the vine - the popular SunGold kiwifruit variety.

I love this picture taken of a kiwi farm in New Zealand.  From what little research I have done, the kiwi market is appreciating by leaps and bounds every year, and why not.  They are delicious and so good for the body.

I'm going to show you today how I peel kiwi.  It is so simple and easy and I know you will love it.  So here goes.

I started with two packages of these wonderful SunGold Kiwi from Zespri.

Onto a cutting board with a few and then bring out your long, serrated bread knife.  I find this knife works best for trimming off the ends of each fruit.

Using a tablespoon from the everyday cutlery drawer, insert the spoon just under the skin of the kiwi and move around and down the fruit with a slow hand.  You will make several passes until you have worked the spoon all the way down to the opposite end of the fruit.  Try not to break the skin in this process if at all possible.

Once you have completely loosened the skin, you simply squeeze the kiwifruit from the skin.

A look from the top of the skin which will be discarded and you can see how cleanly this process works.  There is very little of the flesh left on the skin.  Of course, the riper the fruit, the easier this process.  When testing for ripeness, give the fruit a light squeeze.  It should give just a little.

I slice each fruit into five sections about a quarter-inch each.

I sliced enough on this day to fill up this glass storage container to the top.  A word of caution - do not peel and slice more kiwi than you will eat in a couple days.  Once they are peeled, they do not hold up well for very long.  And be sure to refrigerate any sliced kiwi.

For me alone, a few kiwi on a chilled plate and a shaker of salt.  A light sprinkling of table salt brings out the flavor.

I hope you will try golden kiwi very soon.  I know you will enjoy.

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