An Update on the Tree and Other Garden Related Things

"The tree must be taken down."  That was the assessment from Dan the tree expert last Friday. You will recall from the picture I posted last week that there are actually two large trunks which form a "V", both of which need to be removed.  So we are not just removing one tree, but actually two trees from the same trunk.

The base of our two tree trunks which need to be removed.
The other complicating factor of this job is that both trunks are "leaning".  That adds an additional complexity to the removal.  Dan warned me that our bamboo grove will likely sustain some damage. I'm not terribly worried about that.

Our "leaning" tree, adding an additional complexity to the job of removal.
We want to get this taken care of as soon as possible.  Hopefully within the next couple weeks depending on their schedule.
Meanwhile, in other gardening news, we are extremely pleased with how vibrant our outdoor plantings are doing this year.  And we made a couple changes.  Read on.

These tall basket-weave planters at the front entrance have stood the test of time and still look great. In the spring they were planted with Blue Sky pencil holly and pink and white petunias.  The holly grew weary, so I removed them and planted them elsewhere.  The petunias were beautiful for many, many months but finally gave up.  So I replaced everything with simple asparagus fern.

I picked up these huge asparagus ferns at the garden center at Lowe's this past weekend.  Normally you see asparagus ferns in tiny little pots that are used as accent plants in hanging baskets, etc.  Not these beauties.  Just magnificent.  And a wonderful look at the front door.

You may or may not remember this little pot I planted about a year ago.  It contains a jade plant and rabbits foot fern.  Both of these can be temperamental plants.  It was doing OK until I set it outside in the spring.  Now it is wonderfully healthy.

And last, but certainly not least, our agave.  I am starting to think this needs to be transplanted to a larger pot.  There is new growth from the center, but I think it needs to be repotted and fertilized. More on that in the coming weeks.

I was in the tomato garden yesterday and I made quite a harvest.  More on that tomorrow.

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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