Picking up Orders from Amazon Locker
Have you ever done this?  I had not.  I just discovered this wonderful new way to have merchandise ordered through Amazon sent to a local A...
As you recall, we celebrated my sister's birthday during the Christmas holiday on Sunday.  She was born on the 22nd, so she was not far...
A Happy Birthday Greeting to my Sister
Wax Warmers Work Wonders!
I wanted to add a little holiday cheer and holiday scent to the house while I was wrapping gifts and listening to Christmas tunes last week...
Today we are talking about scrub a dub dubbing  in the kitchen. Specifically on heavily soiled bakeware or pots and pans.  Read on. Th...
Scrub a Dub Dub
The Gifts are Wrapped and Ready to Go
Shopping for the holiday season, 2016, is now a thing of the past for me.  A great majority of it was done online, which is how it has been...
We are now three days away from Christmas.  I have all the presents ready.  I have everything I am going to buy.  So it is time to start wr...
It's Time to Start Wrapping the Gifts
A New Can Opener Can Be a Thing of Beauty
And such was the case with a recent purchase.  You may not think a can opener is worthy of a post,   but in this case, I think it is.  Espe...
If you are invited to a soiree this holiday season and you are wondering what to take as a gift for your host or hostess, read on. I p...
A Great Host/Hostess Gift

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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