Christmas Cards

I know it is hopelessly old-fashioned of me, but I still send Christmas cards through the U.S. Postal Service. I can't help it. I just think there is something about preparing and sending Christmas cards through the mail that is impossible to replicate with "Jib-Jab". Click here for more on Jib-Jab if you are wondering what that is. Don't get me wrong,  I like Jib-Jab. I think it is very funny and cute. But I still like receiving cards in the mail. That said, let's take a look at my Christmas card preparation this year.

I am sending two varieties this year. The first is this really cute angel card.

And the second is a Santa card. They are both from the same company named "The Gift Wrap Company". I pay less attention to the company name and more attention to whether or not I like the card. I keep a list of address labels in my document directory on my computer labeled "Christmas card labels ____(and the year is inserted so that I know it is the most current list). I print the labels and affix them to the envelopes.

To help with this process, I use a 3" x 5" index card. I decide where I would like to place the address label on the envelope.

Then I line up the index card on the bottom of the envelope using the inked lines as a guide. I carefully peel off each label and place it on the envelope using the top edge of the index card as a guide. This way your labels are perfectly level on the envelope.

Then there is the stamp selection. I try something different each year. Some years I use religious themed stamps. Some years I use Christmas themed stamps maybe with a picture of a wreath or a Christmas tree. This year I used this series celebrating the Peanuts characters from the half-hour animated "A Charlie Brown Christmas" which first aired on December 9, 1965. I thought these were very cute.

They look nice on the envelopes. I do not have similar advice to give for applying the stamps to the envelopes as I did with applying the address labels. I just "eye" it and that seems to work. You are working in a corner with 90 degree angles so it is easier to get the stamps affixed squarely without the use of a guide of any kind. I have limited vision in my right eye, so if I can do it, you can do it.

And here they are, ready to go to the post office. Any time after Thanksgiving is perfect to send your cards. Of course, you do not want to wait too late. I find the long Thanksgiving weekend is the perfect time to prepare your cards for mailing. And you will already have the cards because you will have bought them the previous year at the after Christmas sales. That's what I do. That way I have them and they are ready to go. You can buy your Christmas themed stamps anytime during the year at  Saves time standing in line at the post office just to find out they do not have any Christmas themed stamps or they do not have what you are looking for.

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