More Halloween Prep

Don't you love our header for the month of October? So much fun. Halloween is so much fun. Today we are continuing to prepare for our Halloween visitors.

As you know, we prepare treat bags for all the children who visit. This year I found these really cute black cellophane bags which I thought would be perfect.

To fill the treat bags, we start with one of these Child's Play bags of candy. We start with this but you know how it goes.  Once the bag is opened, candy somehow mysteriously disappears.  I don't know how that happens.

I separated each of the different kinds of candy into separate plastic bags.  It did not look very promising that it would be a happy Halloween from the looks of what was left, so I went shopping.

I added three more bags of Fruit Chews.  (These are delicious.  I love them.  I hope my doctor is not reading today).

And two more bags of Tootsie Pops.  (These are delicious too.  But I'm less inclined to eat these than the fruit chews).

Now that is more like it.  Plenty of fruit chews and tootsie rolls for the treat bags.

And plenty of Tootsie Pops.

Still not satisfied, I picked up two Nestle Boo Bags with little chocolate bars. I think we have enough now so that each child will have a nice surprise when they open their treat bag. I hope we bring some joy to all the children who visit our house on Halloween.  No toothbrushes and dental floss for our visitors!

One final item I picked up was two of these huge orange pom poms.  I think I will assemble these this weekend.  That way I will know if I like them and if I need to go back for more.  I will also assemble the treat bags this weekend.  That way that task is done and I won't be rushing around at the last minute trying to get those ready when there are pumpkins to carve.  I have an idea for pumpkin carving this year that I think will be super cute.  More on that in the coming weeks.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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