A New Basket for the Hall Table
My initial idea was to place an orchid on this hall table that sits at the end of the entry hall when you enter the apartment.  I would sti...
I would not describe myself as one who "takes up causes."  I am not an activist by any stretch of the word.  However, I have beco...
Eco-Friendly Compostable Straws
I Redid the Summer Cucumber Salad, Just Slightly
I gave you this recipe a couple years ago.  I made it again just recently and this time I used a vegetable peeler to remove the skin on the...
I love apartment living.  I always have, even when I was young and lived in an apartment more out of necessity than anything else because i...
A Fancy Fruit Bowl
A New Sink Sprayer Attachment in the Kitchen
We are back in the kitchen today, and we will be back there again tomorrow, so this has been "Kitchen Week" at AHWJN.  We will ha...
The cabinet under the kitchen sink can be, and often is, a melange of cleaning products and sponges and scrubbers that very quickly become ...
Under Kitchen Sink Organization
Simple Scallops
Who doesn't love scallops?  Honestly, I don't think I have ever met anyone who has told me they don't like scallops.  I adore t...
We all know what supermarket tomatoes taste like.  Nothing.  They have no flavor.  I read somewhere recently that the tomatoes offered to u...
I Have Found the Perfect Supermarket Tomato

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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