We Have Paperwhites

We have been away for a few days for the Christmas break, but I wanted to share with you the blooming Paperwhites since we have spent so much time talking about these.

These opened just before Christmas.  This year, they grew and bloomed perfectly.

The grew to just the right height and then bloomed.  Last year they were very "leggy".  The stalks grew much taller than usual and I did not get any blooms.

Above is a shot of the bloom just before it opened.  You can see the Amaryllis in this picture also.  The Amaryllis this year just went completely wild.  I've never had so many bloom on any Amaryllis I have ever planted.

I tired to get a really good picture of all the blooms but I could not seem to find just the right angle so that you could fully appreciate how beautiful this was.  Again, I think all of the spectacular blooms this year are due to my use of a high quality potting soil.  Paperwhites and Amaryllis take very little care.  A little water every now and then and, if the soil is good, they grow like crazy.  I will let the blooms fade and then put these bulbs away until next year.  We will talk more about in the coming weeks.

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