Refillable Pump Bottles for the Shower

Two things about soap and shampoo bottles in the shower.  Number one - I usually buy the large sized bottles of soap and shampoo because they are a better value.  The bottles are large and a bit hard to handle in the shower, even for someone who has large hands.  Number two - The bottles of soap and shampoo are plastered with the company name and the name of the product, so it is like looking at a billboard for the product every time I step into the shower.  I do not care for that, so I decided to change it.

I found this wonderful trio of refillable pump bottles online for $16.99 for the set or $5.66 per bottle.  That might seem a little expensive, but read on.

A better look of the bottles outside of the packaging shows that there is one for body soap, one for shampoo and another for conditioner.  I like the color of the bottles and I like the pump handles.  Someone spent a little time with the design and that is a part of why the price for these is a little higher than what you would expect to pay for just any pump bottle you would pick up at a big box retailer.

Here was my large bottle of body soap from the men's care line at Dove.  A bit unwieldy in the shower.

And my bottle of shampoo.  This bottle is probably one-third larger than the body soap bottle so it was impossible to hold it while dispensing the shampoo.

In very short order, I had all three of my new bottles filled with my favorite soaps and in place on the top shelf of the corner organizer in the shower.

A very nice look.  Clean.  Simple.  And they all three fit together on one shelf now.  That was not possible before since the original bottles were so large.

You can see above that the bottles fit nicely in the hand.  It is very easy to dispense the soap from these bottles into your hand or onto a wash cloth or scrubby.

I really like these new bottles.  They are the perfect size for the shower and I know you will like them too.  They are from a company named Segbeauty.  You can find them here.  They are an retailer.

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