No More Dog Bowl CLANGING!!!!

As everyone knows Baxter is the driving force At Home with John Newman.

Here, seen lounging in bed, he is the ruler of the house. A very determined little fellow of German descent with a lively personality. These little miniature dachshunds, especially the wire-haired, are especially tenacious. That tenacity lends to everything in his life, including cleaning his food bowl every night which usually turns into a rather prolonged session of clanging and clanging and clanging. But no more. Read on.

Some months ago I was in the local TJ Maxx/HomeGoods store on M Street, NW in Georgetown and I found this very nice food and water bowl ensemble. Being of the mind that dog bowls need to raised so that they do not have to bend over to eat, I bought this. It is the perfect height for him. He walks up to it and never bends his head downward, which I like. However, what became immediately obvious was the issue of the clanging food bowl at the end of his meal. As he attempted to get every morsel, the bowl moved around in the metal housing and the noise was, ... well, ... irritating.

I found this assortment of felt dots as I was making my way through Shopper's Food Warehouse one day. I thought it was worth giving these a try to help diminish or do away with the clanging bowl, so I bought them.

There were two sheets in the box, each containing 24 dots of varying sizes. I removed the bowls and set about installing these sound deadening dots in strategic locations on the metal framing.

Strategic placement is key. You will need to place the bowls in and remove them several times depending on the design of your food bowl frame until you find the spots where the bowl is making contact with the frame. You see above that I used quite a few of the dots. But in the end I applied them in all the right places to deaden the sound of the bowl moving around.

I used nearly one entire sheet.

Once I was satisfied that each spot on the metal frame had been covered where it makes contact with the bowls, I replaced each bowl. Then it was time to get his water bowl filled.  We add one teaspoon of Fresh Dental Water Additive to his water.  It helps keep his breath fresh and it has glucosamine for hips and joints.  This brand is made in the USA.  We only buy food and products made in the USA.

I stir in the Fresh Dental with the measuring spoon I use to measure out the correct amount.

And finally, here is his feeding station, freshly cleaned and with sound deadening bumpers placed at just the right locations so that we can have dinner in peace.  And they work!!!  No more clanging bowls.

This is just another example of what we do here; sharing our ideas with you so that you can make small changes and enjoy life less stressful.


Anuj said...

Nice info. Dogs are some of the most loyal creatures on earth, but even they can be misunderstood by their human companions. Dogs love water so much that they might put their whole face in the bowl. Sometimes, dogs have different facial expressions depending on how they feel about you and your surroundings.
akita bowl

At Home with John Newman said...

Thank you for your comment Anuj. Dogs are a most loyal companion. I am sad to report that little Baxter is no longer with us. He went to the great beyond on March 31, 2020. We miss him terribly. There will never be another Baxter. He was one of a kind for sure. We are always happy to hear from our readers and thanks again for contacting us.

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