Full Circle Countertop Composter

Last week we added a new air freshener to the trash compactor at Crest Avenue.  In that post I talked about the Full Circle Countertop Composter.  I'm going to share some additional information about this composter with you today.

If you want to compost in an easy, convenient way, I suggest looking into one of these countertop composters.  I find it most handy on the weeks when I am in the kitchen preparing recipes for blog posts.

As you can see from the description above, this composter has been designed to be used without the need for charcoal filters or filters of any kind.

The design is just wonderful.  I liked this one in black and green.  It also comes in a black and white version.

A view from above.  The lid is aerated allowing for more air movement around the contents.

A push of the button and the lid flips up and out of the way so you can start loading up the unit.

The green lid is removable.  It comes off with ease so you can insert the bag that will hold the refuse.

The bags for this unit are compostable also, which is nice.  I mean, it kind of defeats the purpose of composting if you are just placing the scraps in a plastic bag that will remain intact for a hundred years or whatever the number is.

I placed the compostable bag over the bin.

Then I replaced the green lid apparatus to hold it in place.

Here it is, on the countertop next to the sink, which is a really good spot for me.  Many times I am cutting and slicing and dicing on a cutting board over the sink.  I am less inclined to use the garbage disposal these days because, ... well, ... I just am.  I guess my opinion of garbage disposals has changed over the years.  Plus, ... one Thanksgiving, many years ago now, I had the garbage disposal back up from something that ended up in it that should not.  Maybe potato skins.  I cannot remember now.  I remember a bevy of activity taking place to get that fixed while the bevy of activity that was already going on to prepare for Thanksgiving continued.  I am not a fan of garbage disposals.

And here we are on a recent afternoon in the kitchen preparing something that included red peppers and celery.  These few food scraps were tossed in the composter.

Of all the countertop composters, I like this one the best.  So I would definitely recommend it.  And, the beauty of this also is that you do not have to use it as a composter.  Maybe you just want a small trash can on top of the counter for small bits of trash.  This would work perfectly as a small countertop trash receptacle.

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