Cleaning Supplies Coralled

I decided that all of the cleaning supplies need to be coralled in one location.  All these years at Crest Avenue they were separated.  Kitchen cleaning products were under the sink in the kitchen.  Bathroom cleaners and other household cleaners were in the linen closet.  But at this point, I need to have everything all together in one location.  Several years ago I bought these black plastic baskets and used them to organize all of the cleaning supplies.  I decided it was time for a change.

These baskets contain the cleaning supplies from the linen closet which I removed from that closet and brought to the kitchen for this consolidation project.

And these baskets under the kitchen sink hold various cleaning products for the kitchen.  The main problem I had with these baskets was that the bottoms were not perfectly flat.  So it was a constant battle to keep things from toppling over plus it did not look neat and orderly.

I remembered that I had several of these wooden crates that I purchased some time ago.  I was using them in the pantry to hold various cooking utensils.  I decided they would better serve to hold all of my cleaning products.  So I emptied them of their contents and set out filling them with cleaning products.

When I originally purchased these crates, I placed plastic liners in the bottom.  The slats on the bottom are rather widely spaced, so the liners are really essential.

I started cleaning out the cabinet under the kitchen sink.  I was quite pleased with how much could fit into each crate.

Here a shot from above of all three crates.  There was plenty of room for kitchen and bathroom cleaners and scrub brushes too.

I was able to make fast work of clearing out this cabinet.  I did, however, leave a fancy sink stopper and drainer with a bejeweled dragonfly on top and the stopper for the garbage disposal.  Looks like there is a little liquid soap puddle in the back from when I last filled the soap dispenser.  I'll need to wipe that up.  But other than that, this cabinet is quite clean.  And the new owner will enjoy a new Frigidaire GrindPro garbage disposal which was installed just a few months ago.

I decided to leave the plastic bag holder for the new owner.  I never used it very much, but who knows.  The new owner might like it.

Finally, all the cleaning products together in one location.  Now, when I'm faced with another cleaning task, I will go to this one spot and everything I need will be right there.  This will make the process of cleaning much more streamlined.  I am thinking that I will use this system of storing cleaning products in one place in the new apartment.  I rather prefer this over having them separated into two distinct spaces.  I may even leave them all in these wooden crates and set them in a closet where they are at the ready at all times.  I like this way of storing them because you can easily see what you have rather than searching around under the sink or in a dark closet.

So, ... another day closer to getting the house listed.  I have been at Crest Avenue for seventeen years.  Almost to the day.  The sale closed in April 2001.  That is a long time at one address.  I have sold several pieces of furniture, given some away and taken a great deal of things to Goodwill.  Once the weather changes to spring (it has not yet; we are in the forties this morning and expecting a "wintry mix" on Saturday), we will move outside to do some "freshening up" and then we will list for sale.  Exciting times!

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