Clearing Out the Kitchen Cabinets

We have started clearing out and packing the contents of the kitchen cabinets at Crest Avenue.  I do not think it is too early to begin this process.  If all goes as I think it will, we could be listed for sale by the end of this month.  I have met with a Realtor and she is ready to do a walk-through to determine a selling price.  As soon as I list I will contact the Property Manager at the apartment property I am moving to and let her know that, with any luck, we will be moving in soon.

Kitchen cabinets usually end up with little bottles and containers that cannot just be thrown in a moving box and left to rattle about.  I found these little Pantry Baskets recently and decided they would work perfectly to hold the contents of at least part of the kitchen cabinet clean-out.

I bought four of them which turned out to be the magic number.  Here they are with the labels removed and ready to be filled up with a variety of cooking staples.

Spices, herbs, flavorings, seasonings, sauces, medications - and three containers of Doctor's Brush Picks!!  These worked perfectly to hold smaller items together which will then be placed inside of a larger moving box.  A great idea for moving and these will be put to good use once we are settled in our new place too.

Here, the bottom shelf of this cabinet cleared of its contents.  I have decided to leave the bamboo multi-tiered adjustable shelving in place for the new owners.  They match the finish on the cabinets in the kitchen and they will not match the cabinets in the apartment.  Plus, what a nice thing to find for the new owner(s) when they move in and find these in the cabinets.  It will be one less thing they have to purchase.

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