Valentine's Day Treats

First, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.  I hope you and your special someone have big plans for tonight or this coming weekend.  One of my close friends here in the office told me this morning that she and her husband would wait until the weekend to celebrate the day.  I thought that sounded like a great idea.  Before leaving last night I left a little surprise on her desk and one on another friends desk.  Take a look.

It started with the purchase of two decorated sugar cookies that I picked up for each of these friends.  I decided I wanted to leave the cookies on their desks after they left for the day on Wednesday so they would find them first thing upon arriving in the office today.  I didn't want to just put a post-it note on them with a note saying they were from me.  So I went to my computer.  The first thing I did was search online for clip art of a heart.  I loved this free hand style heart, so I cut and pasted it into a blank document.  Next I created a text box and moved it in from of the heart picture and in that box I typed "Happy Valentine's Day!!" and "Your pal".  I printed two copies of this on the color printer.

I did a free hand style cutout of the heart from the sheet of paper using ordinary household scissors.  Then I signed each of them.

A piece of scotch tape, doubled and placed on the back of each heart would hold the hearts in place on top of the cookies.

Both cookies are in the shape of hearts, but decorated differently.  The first with this pretty filigree design in white on a red background.

The second in this cute ladybug style.  I probably could have made these myself, but there has been little time for such with the move-in still in full force.  We'll make cookies for Valentine's Day next year.

Finally, here we have our two cookies with the hearts taped to the top of each of the cellophane packages.  I really liked how this turned out.  I left each cookie on my friends computer keyboards last night when I left the office.  Hugs and kisses for me this morning when I arrived from both of them.

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