Sani Sticks

I keep seeing these things called "Sani Sticks" advertised on television.  All during the long Memorial Day weekend I kept seeing the commercial run time after time.  I found the idea intriguing.  On one of my many early morning sojourns to Target over the weekend, I was walking by an end cap and what did I see?  Sani Sticks!!!  So I decided I would give them a try.  If you have not heard of these, read on to find out what they are all about.

Sani Sticks are designed to work double-duty in the sink drain.  First, they control drain odor, which can be a problem especially in the kitchen.  Secondly, they work to keep your drains clear with a natural based enzymatic drain cleaner.  The kitchen at Crest Avenue is busy most of the time either preparing dishes for the blog or for guests.  I have used "Plink" gels in the past to keep the garbage disposal and drain smelling fresh.  Or lemon rinds run through the disposal.  Both of these methods work wonderfully.  But I wanted to try this product just to see if it worked.

The box I bought came with 24 sticks, enough to keep two drains clean and deodorized for a year. They are nicely packaged with the months imprinted on the packaging.  I don't know if I will actually use these as reminders, but someone was thinking ahead when they designed the packaging so that is nice.

The idea is that the Sani Sticks lodge in the drain trap and stay there helping to deodorize and clean the drain until they finally dissolve.  Someone in an article online raised the concern of debris going down the drain and wrapping around the Sani Stick and actually causing a clog where there would otherwise not be one.  I suppose there is the possibility of that happening, although I think it is relatively low.  I am going to try them and I will let you know if that happens in my situation.  I decided we would start with one in the kitchen sink drain.

And the second in the bathroom sink drain.  We will see how this goes and I will report back in a few months with my experience using Sani Sticks.

In the meantime, we have garden stuff to talk about.  So get your garden gloves on because it is going to be a week of gardening At Home with John Newman.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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