Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you!  We appreciate your continued interest in our blog. Readership grew by leaps and bounds thi...
We had an impromptu at the house on Christmas Eve with our friend Lea.  We had been trying to find a time for us to get together over the h...
A Festive! Impromptu
The Ladies
Some few months ago, I was reading one of my favorite blogs, The New York Social Diary.  (Click here to be taken to the blog).  With few e...
On Friday, we spent the day with my mother and sister and her family in Midlothian, VA.  The drive was uneventful.  Traffic was light drivi...
A Spooky Christmas Drive
A Few Thanksgiving Pictures
We hosted another successful Thanksgiving soiree.  This year we had my mother, sister, brother-in-law and their two children, Nathan and Sa...
I have been absent this week.  Have I been busy shopping?  Have I been busy decorating for Christmas?  Have I been busy baking?  The answer...
The Breakfast, ... and Lunch of Champions
We all know the number of calories we consume during the holiday season can be, ... well, ... staggering.  A little nibble here, a cookie t...
And new wiper blades are part of that process.  I heard on the news yesterday that Colorado received some significant snowfall.  (Click her...
Time to Prepare the Car for Winter
Original Chex Mix Recipe from 1952
Chex Mix recipes today are not at all what they were when I was a kid.  The Original Chex Mix Recipe from 1952 included Wheat Chex and Rice...
Living in a mid-century house is not without its challenges.  The lack of ample storage space can be frustrating.  But with a little ingenu...
Bathroom Storage, ... Or the Lack Thereof
Reviving Paperwhites and Amaryllis from Last Year
Today we are going to talk more about bulb planting, but this time indoor bulbs, not spring flowering bulbs.  In particular, paperwhites an...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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