One Final Tuxedo Cup Post

This will be the final post about the tuxedo cups until we revisit them around the Easter holiday.

Another way to serve them is individually, on a dessert plate, with a little chocolate syrup or dark fudge sauce.  There is nothing magic about the design.  Turn the bottle upside down and squeeze while moving it over the plate.  BAM!  You have a design.

Place your tuxedo cup somewhere near the center.  It does not have to be dead center.  Place it where it most pleases the eye.  That is not always in the center.

Serve with a fork for your guests to enjoy.  The fork tines can be used to "crack" the shell using a twisting motion.  Simply place the tines on either side of the shell and twist.  A spoon will not do in this situation.

A little sanding sugar sprinkled over top does not hurt either.  Any time you can add sparkle to anything, do so.  This is actually pink sanding sugar that would ordinarily be sprinkled on top of a white cupcake with white frosting.  The tinge of pink sugar on white frosting would be beautiful.  But it works equally as well here.

In the end, this is what you will receive in return.  And you will know without words that your guest has just experienced a taste sensation the likes of which they most likely have not previously experienced.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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