A Look at our Diseased Tree
As I mentioned earlier in the week, we have an Arborist coming tomorrow to take a look at one of the Sweet Gum trees in the back yard which...
We are making an all-time summer favorite today.  Creamy Potato Salad.  This is an extraordinary recipe if I do say so myself.  For years I...
Creamy Potato Salad
Our First REAL Tomato Harvest
A quick post today because we are busy preparing for the visit from the aborist this week to discuss the poor condition of one of the swee...
Today we are going to talk about a couple of items for the kitchen in and around the sink.  The kitchen sink .  It seems everything revolve...
Sink Talk
A Sad Day at "At Home with John Newman"
I discovered last night on the News App on my iPhone that Betsy Bloomingdale passed away on Tuesday night.  She was 93, give or take a year...
An update on the tomatoes.  Things are moving along and the vines are heavy with fruit.  I decided to give them a little boost.  Read on. ...
We're Talking Tomatoes, Baby!
Roasted Potato Wedges with our Fourth of July Dinner
Continuing with our Fourth of July dinner, I made the most delicious roasted potato wedges and I want to share the recipe with you today.  ...

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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