Creamy Guacamole

Over the holidays, I made guacamole.  I don't know why I was compelled to do so.  Guacamole does not have a history in my family as a dish that is synonymous with Christmas or New Year's.  I guess I just wanted guacamole.

In 2018 I posted a recipe for guacamole using a guacamole mix.  That was a chunky guacamole.  I usually make chunky guacamole but during this festive season, my taste changed and I yearned for a smooth and creamy guacamole.  Here is the recipe I put together.  I think you will really like it.

Creamy Guacamole

3 avocados
1 tbsp. sour cream
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
2 tbsp. Rotel, Original
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp. fresh cilantro

Mix together avocado, sour cream, cream cheese, Rotel and cilantro.  Blend in bowl of food processor.

Mix salt, pepper, garlic salt, and onion powder.  Pulse into avocado mixture in bowl of food processor.

Let's go through the steps in pictures:

We started with three ripe avocados.  It is hard to get avocados at precisely the perfect ripeness.  I buy them all the time and I even miss it sometimes.  The skin should be brownish and it should give just a little when you squeeze it.  Sometimes if I know I will be making guacamole or some other dish with avocado, I will buy them green and keep checking them until they are ripe at home.  They ripen inside a brown paper bag perfectly.

I put all the spices together in a bowl so I could add them all in at the same time; here we have the salt (which you cannot see in this white bowl), cracked black pepper, garlic salt and onion powder.

In a separate bowl, I combined the cream cheese, cut in squares, the sour cream and cilantro.

Then I added the Rotel.  I love Rotel.  I sometimes just have that for dinner, poured into a bowl with a sprinkle of salt and black pepper.  It's very good cold.  I will put it into a covered glass container and keep it in the refrigerator overnight.  So delicious.

The avocado Gods were looking down on me this time around.  All three avocados were perfectly ripe with no bruised flesh.  Another reason I sometimes buy them while they are green and then let them ripen at home is that they are constantly being "squeezed" at the supermarket by potential buyers.  Even if you buy them when they are perfectly ripe, the flesh will sometimes be bruised just from all the "squeezing".  If I get one that I know is ripe and the flesh is a little bruised, I will usually just cut that bruised part and use the rest.

Into the bowl of a food processor with the main ingredients.

I pulsed this several times until the texture was just perfect.  It should be creamy and smooth and have a sheen on top.  Once that has been achieved, add in the spices and pulse a few more times to make sure they have been incorporated throughout.

In very short order you will have a most delicious creamy guacamole that you will be pleased to serve your guests.  Of course, if you are having a weekend at home with just yourself, then you will be pleased to serve this to just yourself.  I am in a phase where I am preferring creamy guacamole over chunky guacamole.  If you are feeling the same, give this recipe a try this weekend and let me know what you think.

A quick note:  This does not hold up for very long.  Guacamole in general, does not, no matter how it is prepared, chunky or smooth,  It's wonderful the day it is made and is good for probably a day, two days maximum after that.  All the more reason to enjoy it all as soon as possible!!

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