Let's Talk Goldfish, ... The Pepperidge Farm Kind
We are going to finish the week in the kitchen.  Just a quick idea for storing snacks, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish in particular. We love...
I love mondo grass.  I have planted it a couple times in different areas but I have not had good luck with it.  That is probably due to my ...
Black Mondo Grass
A Beautiful New Orchid
I recently received this beautiful Phalaenopsis Aphrodite Orchid from two very special friends.  It is quite a specimen.  I just had to sha...
A very close friend from work had a birthday recently.  We usually do something small for each other on birthdays.  I wanted to do somethin...
A Birthday Gift for a Coworker
How Did I Get So Many Car Care Products?
This is a question I asked of myself recently.  It happens gradually, over time.  You pick up a bottle of this or a container of that and t...
I have!  Let's take a look. I ran out to Patuxent Nursery last week with my friend Lea and picked up some flowering plants for the...
Who Has Been Working in the Garden?
A Tulip Follow Up and some Additional Work in the Garden
We talked about the tulips yesterday and in that post I was waiting for the parrot tulips to open. Guess what?  They opened. I love pa...
Little by little the earth is blooming.  It was just a couple weeks ago that I shared these pictures with you of our tulips which were send...
The Landscape is Coming Alive

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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