The Landscape is Coming Alive

Little by little the earth is blooming.  It was just a couple weeks ago that I shared these pictures with you of our tulips which were sending up their beautiful green leaves.

I think these were the Claudia.

And these were the parrot.

Well, take a look now.  These are the claudia tulips.  Aren't they spectacular!  Beautiful, vibrant color. I only wish I had bought more of them.

These are the parrot tulips.  They are not as showy yet because they have not opened.  But give them a few more days of brilliant sunshine and a little rain, which we are expecting today, and they will be just as beautiful as the claudia tulips.

There are a few daffodils in this pot.  This is disappointing so far.  But I am not giving up on it.  I moved the pot to a spot in the garden that gets morning sun.  Let's see if that helps.

The planters on the front porch have been sitting empty for several of the winter months.

These planters have held up quite well over the years.  There is really no sign of aging that I can see and I still like them.  However, ... while visiting the garden center at Home Depot they had some very nice tall, black planters this size that were quite striking.  I am considering moving these to the patio and getting the black planters from Home Depot for the front porch.  Stay tuned for more on that.

I picked up a couple bags of Miracle Gro potting mix while I was there.  I do not buy the fancy Miracle Gro with additives or the one that states it has "moisture control."  Good old Miracle Gro potting mix works just fine.

While making my way through the garden center, I saw these two lovely little topiaries on a roll-away shelf unit along with some other "quick closeout" plants, most of which did not look very healthy.  But these looked very healthy and the price was right at $14.98 each.  I would estimate that they are about 18" in height.  I grabbed both of them very quickly.  I love it when I find a bargain like this.  It's like winning the lottery!

So I packed my potting soil and topiaries and a few other small items in the car, and Baxter and I set off for home.  Of course, he was in the store with me, in the basket, helping me choose just the right plantings.  He is very good at that.  And at catching the eye of all the other shoppers.

We got home and I got these planted right away.  Oh, ... they are Eugenia Topiaries.  They are not evergreen or perennial, so they will not survive outdoors during the winter in Zone 7, which is our zone.  However, they can be wintered inside.

These are the perfect size for the front entry at Crest Avenue.  I particularly like their compact leaf structure.  That is a feature which makes Eugenia especially suited for topiary.  These are just beautiful at the front door.  They add quite a look of elegance to the entry.  Elegance at the right price, to be certain.  I hope you can find Eugenia topiaries at your local garden center and at an affordable price.  I think you will be very pleased with your purchase.

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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