Brutus the Bicentennial Bison

Last week I was in Martinsville, IN visiting a dear friend with whom I lost touch many years ago. Eventually, through the magic that is Facebook, we reconnected again in 2013 and have traveled to see one another several times over the past four years.  She lives in a small town outside of Indianapolis named Martinsville.  It is about 25 miles from downtown Indianapolis and about 20 miles from the airport.  It is a small midwestern town with plenty of charm.

My friend works at the County Library and we stopped in one day.  While perusing the library, I got a few pictures of Brutus the Bicentennial Bison.

Martinsville is located in Morgan County which is celebrating its bicentennial.

I loved the collage of all things Martinsville and Morgan County which were applied to the body of what I believe was a large paper maché bison.

Of course, These photos were unfamiliar to me, but my friends husband was very knowledgeable about the area and easily recognized many of the landmarks.

I spent four days with them and then returned to DC via National Airport.  And just in time.  I arrived at DCA late morning on Tuesday on Delta Airlines.  Violent storms arrived on Wednesday. There were three small tornadoes spotted in DC.  The damage was not widesread, but then, if the damage is done to your property, it really doesn't matter how widespread it is.  I read this morning that Delta is still trying to get flights back in the air that were cancelled or delayed as a result of the storms.  I was lucky.

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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