Our Front Porch on Halloween Night

Halloween night was fun, although spent a little differently than in the past.  I was in the kitchen making tacos during the trick or treating hours and Steven was on the computer.  Funny how things change over the years.

I set the candy near the front door around 5:30.

We had forty bags of candy and I immediately thought that I should have done more.  Turns out, we had thirty children show up, so we were left with ten bags.  I brought those ten bags to the office this morning and gave them to a friend who has nine grandchildren and nieces and nephews.  I took some pictures of our front entrance after the sun set and I would like to share them with you.

Our cool bat pumpkin surrounded by several smaller, white pumpkins.

The flaming skull pumpkin tucked in behind several medium sized pumpkins.  I still like this one the best.

And our scary skull pumpkin - with some added carving by the squirrels!!  I was not very happy to come home one day this week and find that one or more of our resident squirrels had chosen to add his creative touch to my already perfect skull pumpkin.  But, the damage was done, so we went with it.  Maybe it even added a little something to the whole theme.

Here, another view of the flaming head skull pumpkin with all of the smaller pumpkins around him. I loved these little white pumpkins with the different colored stripes.  Such a nice touch.

We stacked up several smaller pumpkins around the large ones.  Many of the adults complimented us on our decor for the holiday.

And then there was this wonderful autumnal wreath on the front door.  I cannot take credit for putting this together.  We purchased it from Wegman's.  I thought it was perfect.

Finally, a look at the entrance during the daylight.  Very pretty indeed.  And this can be left now until Thanksgiving.  The carved pumpkins can be discarded, but everything is perfectly fine for our next holiday.  Which will be here before you know it.

I hope you all had a fun Halloween.  Now let's get started on Thanksgiving!

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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