Crocus Crocus Everywhere!

We are finally starting to see little bits of spring here and there.  One of the first things we enjoy every year here in the mid-Atlantic is crocus.  They are just beautiful and they are starting to pop up everywhere.

This little garden of purple and white crocus is in front of my building.  As Baxter and I were enjoying our evening walk I noticed these little beauties and had to take a picture to share with you.

In another garden along the north side of the building under my apartment are more of the purple crocus.  This one has not yet opened but I imagine with a couple more days in the sixties it will be as beautiful as the ones which are on the east side of the building.

Here is a view of the smaller garden on the north side of the building.  I cannot wait to see what this looks like filled with purple and white crocus.

A closer shot of the single crocus above and from a different angle.  I love that the building management has taken the time and the expense of getting plantings like this in the landscape around the building.  It says a lot about the culture of the people managing the property that they put this kind of thought into the landscape when it would have been very much easier and less costly to just put down sod and pay the grounds crew to keep it mowed.  A very good choice I made for our new home.

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