A Little Plant Maintenance and Cleaning

We are so very fortunate to have a wonderful spot for plants on the ledge just behind the kitchen sink. When the kitchen addition was added in 2003, the floor plan called for this wonderful ledge between the bay window and the sink.  We use it to store kitchen utensils in earthenware pots.  But we also use it to bring beauty to the kitchen in the form of indoor houseplants.  Currently we have several small button ferns, a jade plant, and a couple orchids.  Today we are going to concentrate on maintenance to the ferns and jade and a good general cleaning of this area, which can get dirty with watering and so on.

Dirty.  That is the only word to describe this area.  When I water, sometimes the tray overflows and it causes an awful mess.  I decided I could not take it one more day.  This had to be cleaned.

I started by removing the jade plant completely and cleaning the area since it was the worst of all. Just cleaning the ledge made a huge difference.

Then I cleaned the little plastic tray upon which the glazed pot sits which holds the jade.  Much better.  This was done with just warm soapy water.  It had gotten quite dirty and I wasn't certain that it could be cleaned sufficiently.  But it looks like new.

I decided rather than just sitting the glazed pot back in the plastic tray, I would add some decorative pebbles to the tray first.  I found this bag of pebbles which I saved from another project.  They were perfect.  Exactly what I was looking for.

The pebbles added a nice visual appeal.  I like this much better than just having the pot sit inside the plastic tray.  Let's face it, these plastic trays are not the prettiest things in the world.  But we use them because they are effective.  They catch the water and prevent it from running all over the place when we water our houseplants.  So if they can be "jazzed up" a little bit, that is a good thing. They are a necessity

Water catch tray cleaned and filled with decorative pebbles.  Check.  Jade plant back in place. Check.

During the jade plant redux, I noticed the little button ferns could use some attention too.  These little ferns can be fussy at first.  But once they are established in their new surroundings, they usually do very well and with little care.  It's just getting through the transplant period.  They do not like the transplant period.  

They had become messy.  Some browning of several fronds was evident.  I cut them back to the crown.  They are healthy.  The brown fronds may indicate they need a little more moisture, so I will give them a mist or two more each week to see if we can avoid this in the future.

The clay water basins had become dirty and soiled just like the plastic pot for the jade plant.  I removed them and washed them with a little warm, soapy water.

Surprisingly, they cleaned up quite well also.  With our bag of decorative pebbles still at hand, we added a sufficient amount to the freshly cleaned clay pots.  Again, a nice upgrade to the look.

Once the ferns were cleared of the dead fronds, I placed them into the cleaned clay water basins atop the decorative pebbles.  What a wonderful look.

The ferns in their water basins, I set them back in place on the ledge, happy to be all cleaned up.

Houseplants bring beauty to your home, but they require maintenance beyond just the occasional watering.  A little time spent on maintenance will make your houseplants a real showpiece and something you can be proud to show  your guests.

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