Preparing Baxter for a Rest & Relaxation Weekend

We are off to Savannah, GA tomorrow to visit a golf course community we are considering for retirement.  Although retirement is still a few years off (well, ... not that far) we have begun our search.  We will be visiting several homes that are currently on the market to get a feel for what will be available when we take the plunge.  Unfortunately, Baxter cannot go with us on this trip.  So he will be relaxing at the Lynn Animal Hospital where he receives his care.  They are familiar with his back injury a few years ago and we feel they will take the best care of him.  They have several boarding packages and, of course, he will be staying under a tres delux package. Preparations for him take as longer or longer than preparations for me.

I have found that a big brown bag works best for these situations.  They are disposable.  Bags get lost and if you use one that you really like or use all the time, it may not be returned when you pick up your pet.  I have had this happen in the past when he stayed at other facilities.

Food is placed in Ziploc bags and the day for each food is written on the label.  This helps to avoid confusion.

I put in the correct measurement of dry food and then the cup of food that is mixed with the dry.

You will notice that I did not write on the label, "mix dry food with cup."  I mean, I don't want to insult these people.  Surely they will figure that out.  It's good to be organized and to cover all the bases.  But I don't want to overdo it.

Breakfast is in a separate bag and is much simpler.  Just one cup each morning.  I probably didn't need to write that but I was having on OCD moment!

What a lucky little dog he is.  His diet is better than mine.

And don't forget the treats.  I believe they offer treats as part of the package, but he likes these Fresh Breath treats, so I will send along this bag.

They provide fresh bedding for all the pets, but you are allowed to bring a blanket.  So he is taking this brown blanket.  It is actually a blanket and a "snuggler."  It is open on one end so he can crawl inside and make a private area for himself.

So, we have his collar, treats, morning food, evening food and his blanket all packed and ready to go.

I don't think they will mistake the food in this bag for another of their visitors!  I put a label on each side of the bag.

I'm not very happy to be leaving him behind.  Not happy at all.  But I know he will receive the best care possible at Lynn Animal Hospital.  If you are in the area and looking for a primo veterinarian hospital, please visit Lynn Animal Hospital here.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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