Modern Art Exhibited at the Watergate Building on Virginia Avenue

We are all familiar with the Watergate building.  Whether you live in Washington or you do not, we all have some since of familiarity with this building.  The building was erected in stages back in the mid to late sixties and, as time went on, fell into some disrepair.  Even still, the condos and office space demanded top dollar in the area.  And the Watergate Hotel was one of the most plush hotels in the city.  Several years ago, they closed the hotel for renovation.  That work is still underway.  I have recently noticed upgrades all around; the buildings, the grounds; everything seems to be at least getting a fresh coat of paint if not some rather intense upgrades.  There was a very small Safeway store on the plaza level which I shopped at for many years.  They eventually closed.  I assume due to contract negotiations which did not go well.  Actually, it was time for them to go.  The store had turned into just a terrible mess.  Poor management.  The employees were mean and nasty to the customers.  It was pretty bad.  But brighter days are ahead.  The space which belonged to Safeway is now occupied by CVS.  And it is a pretty large space for CVS.  They have pleasant, friendly employees and a wonderful selection in all departments.  I stopped in CVS one day this week and on my way out I noticed this new sculpture on the plaza.  I was intrigued and immediately set about taking some pictures.

I just love this "modernist" style of art.  I am so impressed when I see pieces like this because this doesn't just happen.  It's not just a matter of "put a piece here, put a piece there, BAM you got a sculpture."  The whole thing has to balance.  It takes vision and mathematical ability. I've got the vision, but the mathematical ability?  No.

Here is the name of the piece and the name of the artist and his phone number if you are interested in commissioning a sculpture.  I think I'll do a Google search and see what I can find out about this guy.

A view from another angle.

And another.  You see they have painted this outdoor section of the floor in black and white.  They put out new tables and chairs and black umbrellas to provide shade over the tables so that patrons to this little retail space could sit and enjoy their lunch or a beverage.  I am excited to see the improvements on what is a really beautiful building.  It was sad to see it in such bad repair, but I am encouraged that it will be restored to its previous grandeur.

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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