Yummy Store Bought Cookies

Today may end up being filled with numerous short posts.  There are lots of things I want to share with you but it would not make sense to put them all in one post since the topics are disparate.

Many of you already know I have Type II Diabetes.  I have this condition for at least a couple reasons.  First, like many people in the United States, and indeed throughout the world, I gained a substantial amount of weight beginning in my forties.  I have told the story many times that I woke up on the morning of my fortieth birthday forty pounds heavier than I was when I went to bed the night before.  Of course, that is not precisely what happened, but not far off.  My metabolism just shut down in my fortieth year.  I was not active.  I did not exercise,  My eating habits were awful. As a result I gained a lot of weight.  Second, my father had issues with high blood glucose levels.  He did not take insulin but he did take the oral medication, Metformin, for a while.  His brother had full blown Type II Diabetes and took oral Metformin and insulin just like me.  My grandmother, their mother, suffered with high blood glucose.  I was doomed to this from birth.  Of course, I could have probably staved it off for a few years if I had watched my weight.  But eventually, I believe, I would have dealt with some form of elevated blood sugars due to the genes I inherited from that side of my family.

I have made many changes in my life since the diagnosis.  I have lost 50 pounds.  I watch what I eat. I consume much less alcohol, though I am not a teetotaler.  Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to give up alcohol completely if you have diabetes.  Certainly with diabetes you cannot drink all the time, but you can't drink all the time anyway and expect good health.

I am constantly searching for things to help control my blood sugar.  Sometimes I want something sweet.  Not often.  Just sometimes.  I was never big on sweets.  I did not gain weight because I was sitting around eating pies.  I gained weight because I was sitting at a desk, not moving and eating too much pasta, which I love!!!  Lot's of bread too.  Bad stuff.

Recently I found these Fifty50 products at my local Giant Food Store.  I doubt that I could tell the difference in the taste of these as opposed to the regular version if I tried.  They are quite delicious. And I like that the company is helping to fund diabetes research.  If you are suffering from Type II Diabetes or know someone who is, try this line of products from Fifty50.  And remember, just because it is sugar free does not mean you can eat the whole package in one sitting.  Four wafers is a serving and the package contains 3.5 servings.  I hope you will find these as enjoyable as I do.

Click here to visit the Fifty50 website where you can find a retailer near you.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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