New and Improved Pill Organizer

Looking back, it seems that I could have combined this post and the previous two and just written one that covered all thing diabetic.  The only post today that has not revolved around diabetes was the original post about Baxter.  Oh well.  That's the way it goes.

So, several years ago when I was prescribed medications to get my glucose level and cholesterol and triglycerides straightened out, I knew I would never remember every morning and every evening what and how much of each pill to take.  So I bought this pill organizer.

It has served me well over the years.  But it was starting to look a little worse for the wear.  On a recent stop at Giant Foods, I saw this shiny new pill organizer and I couldn't help myself.

I had to have it.  How sad.  This is what happens when we get older.  We get excited about buying a new pill organizer.

I would have to say this is the deluxe model of pill organizers.

And considerably larger than the previous model.  I guess pill organizers are sort of like cars.  You want to upgrade every few years.  And as we get older our pill organizers and cars get larger.

There is ample room in this organizer for my daily fix.  Metformin, Gemfibrozil, Metoprolol and an 81mg Aspirin is the daily morning routine.  It is slightly different in the evening.  And there you have it.  See, it's fun to read At Home with John Newman.  You never know what the topic of conversation will be.

A Topiary on the Dresser

I bought this rattan candle holder several years ago, I believe from World Market.  It was an impulse buy.  I was not shopping for rattan ca...

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