Lunch at Old Glory
Today I went to lunch with my good friends Chris and Dee Dee.  We went to Old Glory on M Street in Georgetown. Old Glory is the large ...
I am going to give you the original cheese danish recipe.  Then, we are going to make them again using a different method for sealing the p...
Cheese Danish
We made cheese danish and few weeks ago.  They were quite delicious. Here is a picture of them stacked high on a glass pedestal.  I wi...
This week has turned out to be product review week.  And that is OK.  I like sharing ideas and products with you that I find to be especial...
We Had a Bit of a Scare Yesterday
Yesterday afternoon, around 4:20, the alarm system in our building sounded.  As usual, most of us paid no attention.  What usually happens ...
I found another use for the tiny Ziploc containers.  Cantaloupe and cottage cheese. Mix together about a half cup of cottage cheese wi...
Gorgeous Gift Wrap - At a Bargain!
I stopped in at Marshall's discount department store recently.  I like shopping at Marshall's.  You never know what you might find....
I wanted to post this update to our post about Club W.  With each shipment you receive a very nice brochure which lays out how the club wor...
Revisiting Club W

A Cargo Mat for the Car

You all remember Chaka Khan.  She is a 2012 Scion iQ that I bought in 2014.  She is still in perfect condition and I have no plans to retire...

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