Our Cooking Class at Sur la table

Our friend Bev came for a visit a few weeks ago and we took a cooking class at Sur la table.  I have been wanting to take some cooking classes, so I decided to check out what they were offering.  We decided to take the class in French Macaron making.  So, she and Steven and I made our way to the Sur la table in Alexandria, VA one Saturday morning and we learned how to make macarons.  It was a three hour class and we had a blast.  Read on to see how the day went.

We arrived a little early to find a very nice kitchen in the back of the store.

This was a real kitchen like you would have in any home.  Fully outfitted with ovens, cooktops, refrigerators, dishwashers and any appliance you could think of.

The surface we would use was already laid out with all of the necessities we would be using that day to make our Macarons.  We were the Blue Team.

Directly above our work surface was a mirrored surface that was installed on an angle for filming cooking sessions.  Of course, residential kitchens have no need for such a surface.  But if you are taking video of your food preparation, as I am certain they do here from time to time, this is a necessity.

Here is our instructor, Kim, who was very knowledgeable about the process of making macarons. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with her.

And a picture of Kim and my BFF, Bev and me.

Here we have our first batch of macaron cookies.  As instructed by Kim, we needed to bang the sheet pan on the work surface three times with great force.  So that is what we did.  These were left to dry on a large table in front of a fan while we moved on to the next batch.

We made two batches of cookies.  Then we set about making the filling.

In the end we made a batch of lemon macaron cookies with banana filling and a batch of hazelnut cookies with a vanilla filling.  They were delicious.

Of course, we couldn't very well leave the cooking class without purchasing the Lekue Macaron Kit. Each class participant received a coupon for 10% off the total of purchases the same day as the class.

On my wandering through the store after the class was finished, I found this cute Penguin Ice Cube tray.  I couldn't resist.

These trays make large, dense ice cubes in the shape of penguins which will last in a drink for a long time.

And so was our cooking class at Sur la table on making French Macarons.  I would take another class there.  It was very professionally done.

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