Spring is Springing!

Finally, ... finally we are starting to see some spring flowering.  Long and harsh was this winter.  It really dealt us a blow.  We are very happy to see it go.  And here are some spring blooms to share with you with visions of warmer days ahead.

This lovely little tree at the driveway at Dewey Street.

I do not know the name of this tree.  It will take me awhile to make my way around the grounds to examine everything and determine what we have.  In the meantime, I am going to enjoy this most unusual blooming tree.

Some tiny hyacinths about to bud.

 There are lots and lots of these tiny daffodils.

I like them.  They are very pretty.

It is unusual that I would like these because I am not at all partial to plants with yellow blooms, like forsythia.  Yellow blooms are just not my favorite.

But I must admit that these yellow daffodils I find quite beautiful.

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