'Tis the Season - For Tulips!!

I love, love, love tulips.  All varieties.  All colors.  I do not believe I have ever seen a tulip that was not sheer perfection in my eyes.  Our friend Bev came for a visit a couple weeks ago.  Actually, she came for a visit and to take a cooking class with us at Sur la table, which we will talk about in a separate blogpost.  It was so much fun.

When I was preparing her room, I found the most beautiful tulips at Whole Foods I had ever seen.  So I bought them.  Read on.

These pink tulips were still closed when I bought them.  After a couple days they started to open and they were magnificent.  I could not have been more pleased.  I added just a dash of sugar to the water, cut the stems and immediately plunged the freshly cut stems into the water inside the vase.  They lasted over a week.

This little hedgehog serves as a nightlight.  It runs on two AA batteries.  There is a small switch on the underside.  It gives off a nice warm, comforting glow which helps soothe you to sleep.  And of course it is nice to have a little light in the room if you need to find your way to the door during the dark night hours.

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